Sugar-Free Breakfast

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2 comments
Making a healthy breakfast doesn't have to be time-consuming. For just a little more effort than pouring some milk into a bowl of cereal, you can create a nutrient-dense breakfast to keep you going strong until lunch. Here is my daily go to breakfast cooked both into a scramble and separately.

- 2 organic eggs (seasoned with sea salt, pepper, ginger powder, cayenne and sauteed garlic)
- Greens (I rotate between kale, spinach, chard and collards)
- Sliced avocado
- Sliced tomatoes (I opt for vine-ripened tomatoes as the flavor is better)
- Parsley or cilantro for garnish
- Marinated red peppers with anchovies and garlic (seen in last image)


  • zinstra said...

    If I didn't eat eggs because I was a vegetarian, I would add some quinoa for protein. If I was just allergic to eggs, I would substitute the eggs with some fish like wild caught salmon or artic char.

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